Gatwick Airport taxis off limits during driver protests

Gatwick Airport taxis will not be available on Saturday afternoon as part of upcoming protests by Airport Cars drivers, the Unite Union has announced.

A string of strikes are lined up following an alleged attack on a Unite rep by their employer, Airport Cars. The union claims the worker was sacked because of his role in the union as a workplace representative, after 23 years as a driver with the company.

Unite represents around 300 Airport Cars taxi drivers, who are part of the ongoing tribunal case. Unite alleges that the company has refused to conduct a hearing or an investigation into the worker who was let go, and that the driver has been told he cannot make an appeal.

Unite is now launching a legal claim against the company.

Protests took place between 7am and 10am today, 25 October, and will continue on Saturday (29 October) between 12pm and 3pm. There are more protests planned for the following week.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Unite will not tolerate attacks on our reps. The full force of the union will be directed into making Airport Cars right this wrong and cease its hostile treatment of union members.

“Attacks on members of our union will not go unchallenged, and our members at Airport Cars have Unite’s full support.”

Another driver was told he could not return to work when the pandemic ended. Unite claims he had a ban put on his file and was not given an explanation. The man is a former Unite rep.

Unite regional coordinating officer Jamie Major said: “Airport Cars are deliberately targeting union members.

“They will soon find out that their attempts to union-bust will backfire. Our members and the entire union are very clear that an attack on one is an attack on all.”

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