Kevin Spacey plays ‘House of Cards’ character in Christmas Eve video

Controversial actor Kevin Spacey is again Making Christmas surreal and uncomfortable by portraying his (particularly murdered) House of cards character in what is quickly becoming an unfortunate holiday tradition.

Like Spacey has done it beforethe controversial actor donned the persona of Frank Underwood, and this time was joined by the recently fired former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for a fake political interview.

The 7 minute clip, titled “Being Frank with Tucker”, Spacey’s Underwood sits down for a surreal Christmas conversation with Carlson, who interviews him with the same seriousness as if it were a real conversation with a real politician.

Never breaking character, Spacey’s Underwood speaks in his thick Southern accent, occasionally breaking the fourth wall, mid-chat, to speak directly to the audience in some truly unsettling moments of unexpected familiarity.

The wide-ranging conversation focused mainly on Underwood declaring his intention to run for president in 2024, and included a few awkward and strangely trolling comments — such as when Underwood tells Carlson, “I think I’m going to have a long and I have a very solid relationship with the audience. and that is a bond that has never been broken.”

At one point, Tucker says they “have something in common,” and Underwood responds, “Yeah, we’ve both been shut out by our networks.” Carlson later asks Underwood, “Are you still watching Netflix?” Underwood responds, “Probably as much as you watch Fox.”

At the very end of the interview, Underwood makes a joke about Carlson using ecstasy. When Carlson says he’s never tried the drug, Spacey’s Underwood bizarrely responds, “You wouldn’t be the first to tell me you’ve never tried that before.”

Almost immediately after the video came out, Twitter reacted with strong sentiments.

The actor was fired House of cards in 2017 following allegations of inappropriate behavior from staff on the show and a allegation of sexual misconduct by actor Anthony Rapp, who alleged that Spacey made inappropriate sexual advances on him when Rapp was 14. A jury in Massachusetts later found him not liable for these charges.

In July, Spacey was found innocent of sexual assault charges in a British trial. The 64-year-old actor had been facing nine sex offense charges related to incidents reported by four men that allegedly occurred between 2001 and 2013. The actor had pleaded not guilty to all charges.

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