Britney Spears’ childhood home in Kentwood, Louisiana is for sale

A piece of music history has entered the real estate market as a former home of pop sensation Britney Spears is now for sale.

The 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom ranch style home in Kentwood is mentioned for the eye-catching asking price of $1,200,000.

Described as “a true piece of music history,” the property includes a 2,300-square-foot home, which sits on 1.87 acres, and many of the original furnishings date back to Spears’ childhood.

“With an asking price of $1.2 million, this is a unique opportunity to step into the shoes of a pop legend and live in the space where Britney’s remarkable career took root,” the ad reads.

Born in Mississippi, Spears spent most of her formative years in Kentwood, Louisiana, where she moved when she was three years old. The property holds a special place in her heart as it served as the backdrop to her early years and played an important role in her journey to pop stardom.

Paul Natkin/WireImage

The home features a spacious dance studio where the pop icon honed her iconic moves, setting the stage for her remarkable career. One of the unique features of the house is graffiti that resembles it refer to rivalry between Spears and Christina Aguilera.

The journey from real estate to the real estate market is not without twists and turns. Just over two and a half years ago, the house was sold by Spears’ estranged father, Jamie Spears, for a modest $289,000. The relatively low price raised eyebrows given its historical significance and connection to one of the world’s biggest pop stars.

The new owner, who has chosen to remain anonymous, now hopes to capitalize on the property’s unique appeal and historical importance. By retaining much of the original furnishings and showcasing the history of the location, they aim to make an eye-watering profit from this iconic piece of real estate.

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