Popular pub managers to say farewell on Monday

POPULAR pub managers Sarah Walmsley and Phil Roper will be calling ‘time’ for the last time at their York pub on Monday.

The pair will be bowing out from the Trafalgar Bay on Nunnery Lane after four and a half years in charge.

They will shut up shop for the final time at 7pm on Monday.

The Press understands that the pair handed their notice in to Sam Smith’s Brewery four weeks ago. But we have been unable to contact the brewery to establish whether new managers will take over at the pub – and if so, when.

One regular in the pub  on Saturday, who gave his name only as Pete, said: “This has been a fabulous community pub – and these two have been brilliant!”

Locals have been saying a fond farewell to the pair on social media after the Clements Hall Local History Group broke news of their impending departure.

The group, which met regularly at the pub while researching local history, said: “We’re very disappointed that pub managers Sarah Walmsley and Phil Roper will be leaving the Trafalgar Bay in York soon and that the pub will close.

“Their hard work and diligence over the last few years have created a wonderful community pub, which is valued by many. We would heartily commend them in their role as excellent managers with a welcoming response to all.

“They played a key role in supporting group activity for our Nunnery Lane history project, which led to our achieving a national award for community engagement.

“They could not have been more helpful, going out of their way to provide comfortable chairs for some of our elderly members and those with disabilities, and gaining at least one fan for Sam Smith’s bottled Imperial Stout!”

The Trafalgar Bay’s distinctive pub sign. Picture: Clements Hall Local History Group

The history group’s Facebook page has inundated with farewell comments for the pair.

“Oh so sorry to hear this,” said Liz Savage. “Sarah and Phil completely transformed the pub and turned it In to a safe, creative and friendly environment, a real community hub. All the best with whatever the next adventure is.”

“They’ve done so much to embrace the community and provide a place where everyone was welcome,” added Liz Court.

Sally Harris commented: “So sad that they are going. I’ve always felt welcome there and they have become friends. I will miss the crafts, quizzes and their help and support with my fundraising. It’s a huge loss to the community.”

Morag McLoughlin added: “Sarah and Phil were the most welcoming of hosts who looked after the groups they supported with great care and diligence, particularly as we moved out of the pandemic.

“The closure of the pub and loss of their expertise and personal attention will be felt by many in the local community.”

York Press:

The Trafalgar Bay on Nunnery Lane


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