New wind farms, deep sea mining and the end of the net zero sugar rush: BusinessGreen’s most read stories of the week

Sainsbury’s is toasting the opening of a 50 MW onshore wind farm in Scotland

Retailer will buy all renewable electricity produced by eight ‘state of the art’ turbines at Longhill Burn Wind Farm over the next fifteen years.

– by Stuart Stone (@steen26)

The British government supports a global moratorium on deep-sea mining

The government is opposing deep-sea mining and promises to support the ban until the practice’s environmental impact is better understood.

– by Cecilia Keating (@cecilia_keating)

Energy bill becomes law: Industry applauds ‘welcome step’ towards net-zero energy system

The government considers the bill to be ‘the biggest piece of legislation in Britain’s history’, setting out a series of reforms designed to build a greener and safer energy system.

– by Michael Holder (@michaelholder)

CCC chief Chris Stark: The net zero target ‘sugar rush’ is over

The head of the Climate Change Committee tells Net Zero Festival that now is the time for businesses and governments to translate targets into action, but that aligning corporate action with the transition of the wider economy must be prioritized over achieving individual targets. goals.

– by Stuart Stone (@steen26)

Global briefing: Antarctica cuts ties with controversial carbon credit program

Carbon offset company South Pole has terminated its contract with the developer of Zimbabwe’s Kariba project, just a week after an investigation into the New Yorker claimed that millions of carbon credits tied to the forest conservation project were not supported by real-world emissions reductions.

– by Cecilia Keating (@cecilia_keating)

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