Customer service? Fast and clear communication with a trained professional wins

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Knowing how to provide good customer service is essential to the continued success of your business. Research from Salesforce shows that 80% of customers now find the experience a company offers as important as the products and services. The importance of achieving this properly for your company cannot be underestimated.

From phone calls and email to web chats and social media, it’s harder for businesses to know which channels to prioritize for customers. Now new research from Gamma Communications, the leading technology-based communications services provider across Europe, shows that voice calling should be a priority for businesses, despite the increasing number of digital communications options.

According to the new research, more than a third of Brits (38%) say direct phone calls are their preferred method of communicating with businesses over other channels such as emails, web chats, social media and video calls. Another 69% of consumers are likely to reach out by phone before trying other methods when seeking help from a business.

With the vast majority (91%) finding it important to be able to easily call a business customer service center when they need help, phone calls appear to have a significant impact on the customer experience. To underline this, 80% of consumers say they would continue shopping with an SMB that offers superior customer service over the phone, which also suggests an impact on customer loyalty.

Chris Wade, Chief Marketing and Product Officer at Gamma Communications commented on the findings:

“When customers need support, it’s clear that companies need to understand exactly how their customers want to communicate.

Even in today’s increasingly digital world, human connection is essential.

Phone conversations have stood the test of time because they are one of the best ways to create that interpersonal bond.

All businesses can use this to leverage the sometimes underestimated value of phone calls to provide high-quality customer service and retain customers.

Whether you are a professional or a financial advisor, your voice has the power to create customer loyalty.”

In the financial sector alone, there is clear evidence of how important customer support accessibility is to UK consumers. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) reported that financial firms had 1.8 million outstanding complaints in the first half of 2023 (up 5% on 2022), showing that customers always, and increasingly, need business support will have. It’s how they quickly and easily get the support that leaves a lasting impression and can make or break a company’s reputation.

The research suggests that the value of voice calls can be attributed to human connection. Nearly half of Brits (46%) value phone conversations because they feel better understood when they communicate verbally. The same number (46%) find phone calls faster and easier to use, while 45% believe the support and customer service they receive over the phone is of higher quality compared to other contact methods.

Essentially though:

  • 69% of Brits contact a company by phone first before trying other methods when seeking help
  • Direct phone calls are the preferred method of communication for over a third (38%) of UK consumers when seeking support from a business

These are facts that simply cannot be ignored.

The biggest frustrations Brits face when contacting customer support are automated responses or the inability to speak to a human (49%), long wait times (47%) and not having a phone number to call or the telephone number is difficult. find (31%).

Gamma Communication’s research shows that the ability to call a business is a necessity for customers. This is also evident in the UK regions, when the data is broken down further:

  • More than half (52%) of customers in the East of England value phone calls from businesses because they feel better understood when they make phone calls.
  • Nearly half of Yorkshire customers (48%) value phone calls as they believe an issue is more likely to be resolved over the phone.
  • Nearly half of Southwestern customers (48%) value phone conversations with businesses because they are more personal than digital or automated messaging.

At a time of year when plans are being made for the year ahead, it’s a good reminder to remember that customer retention often comes down to excellent forms of clear and consistent communication.

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Customer service? Fast and clear communication with a trained professional wins

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