What is Operation London Bridge?

When a member of the Royal Family dies, there are rigorous protocols for what occurs next, none more essential than the Head of State.

Each Royal Family member has a code name detailing death plans. in the Queen’s case, the codename is Operation London Bridge.

Leaked details of Operation London Bridge reveal the Queen's death will be called D-Day. Government departments will be told to down flags within 10 minutes after being advised to display "discretion."

Operation London Bridge

When his mother dies, Prince Charles will become king and address the nation. The PM will make the first official remarks. Prince Charles will travel to the UK in the days before the Queen's burial.

Operation London Bridge

Politico reports that Parliament would be suspended for 10 days and the monarch's casket will lie in state for 3 days. The royal household will announce the monarch's death.

Operation London Bridge

If the Queen dies in Scotland, Operation Unicorn kicks in. It's been altered over the years to provide an organized procedure.

whats Operation unicorn ?

Scottish Parliament will be suspended upon her death. 36 hours are provided to prepare a condolence motion.

Operation unicorn

Her body would be taken to Holyroodhouse, then to St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh. Her casket would take the Royal Train from Waverley Station to London.

Operation unicorn

Ministers will receive a call and email on the monarch's death: "Dear colleagues, I'm heartbroken to inform you of Her Majesty The Queen's death.

After the Queen's death, what happens?

Government and royal websites will show a black banner with funeral details.

After the Queen's death, what happens?

Before meeting the PM, Charles will address the nation. After the Queen's death, Charles will be crowned king.

After the Queen's death, what happens?

The funeral will be a national day of sorrow, but employers aren't required to offer employees the day off.

The Queen's funeral

A two-minute national silence will be held at noon. King George VI Memorial Chapel will bury the Queen.

The Queen's funeral