Shellshot recipe

This can be a drink I began making some years again to tackle shoots and fishing journeys. It’s based mostly on the basic bullshot, which makes use of beef inventory or consommé. I by no means let the shells from crab, lobster and native prawns go to waste so I at all times make a inventory with them. As soon as strained, I simmer and scale back it so it takes up much less room within the freezer. It may be spooned out of the container, nonetheless frozen, and reconstituted with water to make use of in soups, sauces or my favorite capturing drink. 

Years in the past, I did a dinner in Malibu with Black Cow Vodka the place, for every of the 4 programs I ready, I made a cocktail utilizing the waste from the dish. The shellshot was made with the shells and heads from native spot prawns and served chilled since we have been in California, in contrast to the searching model which I make scorching and pour from a Thermos flask.


Prep time: 3 minutes

Cook dinner time: 2 minutes (if serving scorching)




400ml shellfish inventory (if making your individual, see above) 2 measures of vodka 1½ tsp Worcestershire saucejuice and zest of ½ lemon Tabasco, to style


Combine the inventory, vodka, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice collectively in a jug or cocktail shaker. Style the combination and add Tabasco to style. Both pour over ice into a glass and serve with a strip of lemon zest, or warmth it gently and serve scorching in a glass with a deal with – or pour right into a Thermos flask.

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