Public prepare to pay their respects to the Queen with queue more than 2 miles long


he Queen’s coffin has arrived at the Palace of Westminer after a sombre procession from Buckingham Palace.

The procession saw the late monarch leave the palace at 2.22pm. Crowds lining the streets occasionally burst into spontaneous applause or cheers.

The coffin, which had been followed by the King with his three siblings – Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward, arrived at Westminster Hall shortly after 3pm.

Princes William and Harry were also in attendance.

The Queen’s lying in state begins at 5pm, continuing until 6.30am on Monday – the day of the Queen’s funeral.

Live updates


Pictured: Service at Westminster Hall

After the Queen’s coffin arrived at Westminster Hall just after 3pm, a short service of prayer and reflection was attended by the King and Queen Consort, his siblings, children and other members of the Royal Family.

Members of the public will file into Westminster Hall from 5pm.

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Lying in state guidance

For those hoping to see the Queen’s coffin at Westminster Hall, guidance has been released on how to join the queue, the route of the queue and what to bring.

The queue is already around 2.4 miles long, stretching all the way to Southwark Bridge.

More information can be found here.


Live queue tracker

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has published a live stream of the length of the queue to see the Queen’s coffin.

A YouTube video shows live updates on the end point of the queue, which is currently near Southwark Bridge.


What happens now?

The Queen’s coffin will be lying in state at Westminster Hall until Monday morning, the day of her state funeral.

The lying in state opens to the public at 5pm on Wednesday and will be accessible 24 hours a day.

Tens of thousands are expected to wait in the queue before walking past the coffin, which is raised on a catafalque and draped in the Royal Standard, with the Orb and Sceptre placed on top.

It will be guarded at all hours by units from the Sovereign’s Bodyguard, the Household Division or Yeoman Warders of the Tower of London.


Joe Biden speaks with King

US President Joe Biden has spoken to the King to convey “the great admiration of the American people for the Queen”.

A White House statement said: “President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with King Charles III to offer his condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

“The President recalled fondly the Queen’s kindness and hospitality, including when she hosted him and the First Lady at Windsor Castle last June.

“He also conveyed the great admiration of the American people for the Queen, whose dignity and constancy deepened the enduring friendship and special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom.

“President Biden conveyed his wish to continue a close relationship with the King.”

US President Joe Biden and wife Jill Biden

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King leaves Westminster Hall as service ends

The King and Queen Consort have left Westminster Hall following a short service as the Queen’s coffin was laid to rest.

Royal couples left the building side by side, with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex holding hands.

At 5pm members of the public who have been queueing for hours, some days, will be able to pay their respects to the Queen.


Royals watch on as procession continues

Royals look towards the coffin

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The King and the senior royals saluted the coffin as it was carried by a bearer party – eight soldiers from Queen’s Company 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards – into the Hall.

Lined up to watch were the Queen’s elderly cousins Prince Michael of Kent and the Duke of Kent.

Next to the Duke of Kent was the Duchess of Sussex, the Countess of Wessex, the Princess of Wales and then the Queen Consort.

Dozens of wider members of the royal family stood in two rows at the side of Westminster Hall, including Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice and their husbands, Zara and Mike Tindall, Lady Louise Windsor Viscount Severn, Lord Freddie Windsor and Princess Michael of Kent.

Meghan appeared to take a deep breath as the Queen’s coffin passed in front of her.


Pictures; March nears its conclusion

Queen Elizabeth II’s flag-draped coffin is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster

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Pallbearers from The Queen’s Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards carry the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II into Westminster Hall

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Procession with the coffin of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth arrives at Westminster Hall


King Charles III, Anne, Princess Royal, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Prince William, Prince of Wales, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Camilla, Queen Consort, Sir Timothy Laurence, Mr Peter Phillips, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Catherine, Princess of Wales, Princess Beatrice and Prince Edward, Duke of Kent are seen inside the Palace of Westminster for the Lying-in State of Queen Elizabeth II

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Westminster Hall service set to begin

The Queen’s coffin has been placed on the catafalque in Westminster Hall to lie in state until Monday morning.

Justin Welby, the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury, is leading prayers and a short sermon.


The Duchess of Sussex is driven behind the coffin

The Duchess of Sussex is driven behind the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II

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