Labour Party conference: Yvette Cooper vows to scrap the Tories’ Rwanda migrant plan

Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, has been given the critical job of teeing up Sir Keir Starmer’s big speech this afternoon. 

Mr Streeting is on the morning media round for Labour and he has been arguing that the party is ready for power, claiming it will fix “broken” Britain. 

Asked how Sir Keir intends to unlock the door to No 10 Downing Street, Mr Streeting told Sky News: “I think turn the anger and frankly disgust with the Conservatives into a positive appetite for Labour and that’s what this week’s conference is all about because the Labour Party conference is one of those rare weeks in the year in terms of the coverage we get where the voters can look through the window, judge whether we have got our house in order and listen to the offer we are making to the country. 

“I think last year, in terms of the changes Keir made to the Labour Party, people could see he was getting the house in order. 

“I think what you are seeing this year, and you will certainly get from Keir Starmer’s speech later this afternoon and you got in bucket loads from Rachel Reeves yesterday in her speech… we have gone further, we are ready to get the country back in order because on so many fronts things are broken.

“Whether it is the economy, our public services, the sense of law and order in our country, and Labour has serious people with a serious plan to get Britain working again and to give Britain the fresh start it needs.”


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