Dublin GAA couple Dean Rock and Niamh McEvoy announce birth of baby girl

Dublin GAA stars Dean Rock and Niamh McEvoy have welcomed their first child together.

he couple announced that they are now proud parents to a baby girl, who they named Sadie Rose Rock, with a sweet Instagram post on Sunday.

Dean (32) told his 39,200 followers that being a dad is a “magical feeling” and added that he’s “in awe” of his footballer fiancée.

Sharing a photo with their little girl from the hospital bed, he wrote: “Sadie Rose Rock. I’m in awe of you Niamh McEvoy. You are an incredible woman. What a magical feeling️. Sadie has me wrapped around her little finger already.”

Fans and followers flocked to the comments section to congratulate the pair on the latest addition to their family, with the official Dublin GAA account leading the tributes by saying: “Huge congratulations to you both!”

Irish Australian rules footballer Aisling McCarthy wrote: “Huge congrats to you and @neevymc”

Mrs Brown’s Boys actor Danny O’Carroll said: “Massive congratulations to you both”

And sports broadcaster Jacqui Hurley added: “Amazing! Huge congrats guys!”

It comes after Dean and Niamh got engaged during a romantic stay in Dublin’s 5-star Merrion Hotel.

Sharing the exciting news to his Instagram account back in December, Dean posted a photo of the couple relaxing in their hotel suite as Niamh showed off her engagement ring.

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“If she’s not too busy that day she said she will marry me. I’ll take that!!” he wrote as he tagged his wife-to-be in the post.

Together the couple share an astonishing 11 All-Ireland winners’ medals – Dean has seven and Niamh an impressive four.

And while the pair are both talented sportspeople, they have also recently ventured into the world of business by opening up their own coffee shop, Fancy That, in Garristown, north Dublin, together last year.

The café is so busy that Niamh even left her job as a teacher to concentrate full-time on running the business.

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