New research by weight loss specialist, Voy, has revealed that five million (5,192.571) UK adults spend more time per day sitting on the toilet than exercising, with one in 10 (11%) spending an hour or more sitting on the loo.

With obesity rates in the UK amongst the highest in Europe**, the data also shows Brits spend more time on average consuming exercise-related content per day than actually exercising, with many spending over an hour (75 minutes) scrolling fitness-related videos instead of working on their physical health (54 minutes). At least there’s hope that watching fitness content could help inspire future workouts and contribute to a positive mindset towards exercise.

Highlighting the nation’s addiction to smartphones, the research also showed that whilst working out, the average Brit will check their phone an average of three times per hour of exercise, spending 15 minutes consuming content, with one in five (18%) picking up their phone more than exercise equipment.

One in three (35%) Brits never spend any time of their day thinking about improving their physical fitness. Brits aged between 25-34 are the most likely to engage in some form of physical exercise, with 93% of them dedicating time to their fitness compared to only 78% of those aged 55 or over. Unsurprisingly, those aged between 18 and 44 are the most likely to consume fitness-related content (84%) online compared to those aged over 45 (57%).

Emily Wood, Coach at Voy, said: "Finding the time in our day for physical exercise can be difficult. Work, socialising and even the weather will often get in the way when it comes to putting on our gym gear, but maintaining a good level of fitness is important as part of a healthy mind and body.

“Although it can be difficult to carve out time to stay active here are some tips to help you fit exercise into your routine: Try to pair your exercise with seeing friends, make a coffee date into a dog walk, make walking a part of your lunch break and find ways to add in activity to your daily commute, e.g if you are working from home try to fit in a walking commute before and after work, or get off the bus a stop early to get a few more steps in."

Over the winter months, it’s common to feel the urge to hibernate indoors, so Voy has shared a list of exercise ideas to keep you active and motivated during the winter months – and vanquish those winter blues:

Outdoor walks and runs Spending just 20 minutes outside will increase your vitamin D levels and help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Outdoor workouts in the winter can also burn more energy than summer workouts, thanks to the body’s efforts to regulate core temperature and move cold muscles.

Warm-up routine Combat the winter chill and shake off the post-workday stiffness by incorporating a thorough warm-up into your daily routine. Just 10-minutes will elevate your heart rate and prepare your body for more intense activities.

Indoor workouts Embrace activities like yoga, pilates, or equipment-free workouts that can be done in the comfort of your home. To make this easier, set out your weights, yoga mat, and workout clothes, reducing the steps you need to take to your exercise routine – you can even do this whilst watching your favourite TV show.

Increase NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) Don’t underestimate the power of small, consistent movements throughout the day. Increasing your NEAT levels involves incorporating activities like taking the stairs, standing while working, stretching during breaks, or getting up more often to get a glass of water. These subtle movements can contribute significantly to your overall daily calorie burn.

Gym workouts For those seeking a change of scenery and social interaction, consider joining a gym or workout class during the winter months. Gyms with heated swimming pools offer a delightful and effective full-body workout while preventing stiffness.

Voy’s programme combines breakthrough weight loss medication with tailored programmes and one-to-one coaching from a team of experts and clinicians. The approach is holistic, with lifestyle changes across nutrition, fitness, sleep, mindset and stress all brought together to break the cycle of weight loss and regain. Voy requires visual evidence as well as ID, BMI and past medical history and liaises with customers’ GP’s to ascertain eligibility. Every customer is also reviewed by a clinician individually.

To find out more about Voy, please visit:


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