I won £100,000 but almost lost it all when armed robbers invaded our house

A LUCKY couple who won £100,000 in the lottery feared for their lives when knife-wielding robbers burst into their home just days after their win.

Lee Davies and Carryann Copestick, from Wolverhampton, put the life-changing money on a scratch card in September 2017.


Lee Davies and Carryann Copestick from Wolverhampton were targeted by robbers in 2017 after their jackpot winCredit: SWNS: South West News Service
The couple cheered after the windfall


The couple cheered after the windfallCredit: SWNS: South West News Service

But just days later a knifeman brazenly burst into their home at 3am and threatened the terrified couple before fleeing with £12,000 worth of belongings.

“After we won, we lived the dream,” Lee said in 2017.

“We had invested in a house and made plans for our wedding and went out and spent some money on clothes and jewelery from The Jewelery Quarter.

“Then on Monday evening we were both sleeping in bed and men dressed in black with balaclavas, knives and bars entered the room, we feared for our lives.

“They were shouting, 'Where's the money? Where's the gold?' Then the person holding a bar went up to Carryann and told her to get out of bed.

'The gold was already upstairs in the drawer next to the bed.

“They left quite quickly and we came downstairs and called the police – we were so lucky they didn't wake the kids.

“Something like that would have traumatized them for life.”

The thugs made off with a £4,000 chain, £11,000 worth of gold and a bracelet worth almost £1,000.

During the night raid they also seized two iPhones and eight rings.

Lee and Carryann were drinking in their triumph and had begun planning a grand wedding and checking out the keys to a new house when the knife men entered.

But the traumatic ordeal left them fearing what might happen next.

We thought we had only won £2.60, but when we checked the bill again it said we had scored a EuroMillions jackpot of £61 million

“We told a few friends, but everyone knew after we were in the local papers,” Lee continued.

“Most of the money went to buying a house and other things, so now there is no money left and no money in the house.

“The robbers knew what they were looking for because they asked where the money and gold were. They knew there was a chance it was in the house. They even tried to take my daughters' birthday presents.

They shouted, 'Where is the money? Where's the gold?' Then the person holding a bar went up to Carryann and told her to get out of bed

Lee Davis

“They hit me with a rod and told me to keep still, and then they told Carryann to get out of bed.

'She was afraid they would touch her, but they said they wouldn't, they just wanted the gold.

“We were afraid they would come back, you never know, it really shocked us.

“It was nice to win the money, but it came with a lot of problems. I would never stoop so low and bring children into our home.

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“We've been living at a high for two weeks and now this has happened.”

The Sun Online has contacted West Midlands Police for comment.

Victims of the lottery 'curse'

A LOT of us dream of winning big in the lottery, but what about when you actually do it? Isn't it all flashy cars and glamorous photo shoots, and maybe the odd movie premiere? That wasn't the case for this group, who – despite raking in millions of pounds – ended up in the hole.

Cocaine king

Self-styled King Of Chavs Michael Carroll wore an electronic anklet when he won £9.7million on the National Lottery in 2002.

He was 19 years old at the time and squandered his fortune on a six-bedroom country house in Norfolk, which he equipped with a swimming pool and a motor racing track.

His drug addiction caused Michael to spend £2,000 a day on cocaine, which ultimately left him destitute.

He previously said: “The dealer who introduced me to crack has more of my lottery money than I do.”

Michael's wife Sandra left him just a month after their wedding in 2003 after being shocked by his incessant partying. She also accused him of cheating on her with sex workers and making off with £1.4 million in a settlement.

He spent time in prison for failing to comply with a drug treatment order and was declared bankrupt in February 2010 and claiming Jobseeker's Allowance.

Michael was reportedly found working for £10 an hour chopping wood and delivering coal in 2019 after losing his entire fortune.

Surgery Queen

Jane Park became the youngest Briton ever to win the EuroMillions when she won the £1 million jackpot in 2013 at the age of 17.

At the time she won, she was a temporary worker earning £8 an hour, living in a two-bedroom flat in Edinburgh council that she shared with her mother Linda.

But things got worse when she felt 'empty' after her win and spent £4.5k on a breast enlargement from 34B to 36FF and another couple of thousand on a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Turkey.

Jane feared for her life after suffering a severe reaction to anesthesia and contracting sepsis in 2017.

Two years later, she launched her OnlyFans to flash topless photos of herself, followed by more plastic surgery to get her 'dream body' with liposuction and a corrective BBL.

Now 28 and wiser, she believes winning the lottery cursed her life and wishes it never happened.

She hilariously calls herself the 'B&M Molly-Mae'.

Love and loss

Gillian Bayford's eight-year marriage was destroyed when she and ex-husband Adrian raised £148million at the EuroMillions in 2012.

Their lives changed overnight, putting so much strain on their relationship that it broke down completely 15 months after their victory.

Both Gillian, 50, and Adrian blamed the stress of their stunning victory for their split.

In the decade following their divorce, Gillian became a mother to another man at the age of 48, bought a £1.2 million mansion and started a property business.

“As far as [my daughter] worries I'm not a lottery winner, I'm just a mum,” Gillian told The Sun. “Some things are easier because of the money, but it doesn't really change anything.

“You still have to change a diaper or deal with her being sick of you, no matter how much you're worth.”

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