WWE SummerSlam 2022 live results and video highlights

There’s never a dull moment in the WWE these days.

Not long after Vince McMahon (sort of) stepped down in controversy he officially retired, opening the door for both his daughter Stephanie and son-in-law Triple H to step into the biggest roles at the company.

So while much of the build happened under Mr McMahon’s watch, SummerSlam 2022 is the first WWE pay-per-view of the post-Vince McMahon era.

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The unified Undisputed WWE Championship is up for grabs as Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar meet for the umpteenth time, with a Last Man Standing stipulation giving this one a fresh wrinkle at least.

Both women’s singles titles are on the line as Liv Morgan tries to defend her crown against Ronda Rousey without the advantage of a cash-in, and Bianca Belair tries to nudge Becky Lynch to the back of the line.

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The Usos and Street Profits are doing it one more time, Theory gets another go at Bobby Lashley (this time with that MITB briefcase in his back pocket), and there’s plenty more happening besides.

All the action takes place at the Nissan Stadium in Nashville, Tennessee and you can check out the full match card and all our predictions before following all the action and our snap reviews right here.

First, watch the hour-long kick-off show in FULL and for FREE right gere.

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WWE Raw Women’s Championship: Biana Belair (c) vs Becky Lynch

Becky walks out first top open SummerSlam in some absolutely STUNNING ring-gear, headpiece and all, soaking up a mix of cheers and (mainly) boos. She’s followed by the hair-swinging EST.

A stare-out to start, Becky looks beyond focused. They lock up in Nissan Stadium… this has already outlasted their previous SummerSlam match. Bianca gets Bex down on the mat first, but Becky counters.

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Bianca knocks Becky down, but Becky is the one getting the early success, targetting the chanp’s left arm and already doing some damage. A smirk from Lynch.

Bianca finally counters with a drop kick and eventually gets a cover for two. She’s still favouring that left armt though, and despite dropping Becky onto the barricade outside the ring, she loses out there with the challanger applying a massive leg drop.

Becky drags Belair back into the ring for two, then hits a Bexploder Suplex, doing yet more damage to that left arm and shoulder. Becky yanks Bianca down by the hair for another two.

Lynch gets Bianca’s arm locked in, Belair wriggles out, but is dropkicked on to the apron. Becky goes to the second rope but Belair counters the legdrop and both women are down.

Eventulaly they’re back up and they end up tussling on the outside. Bianca hits Becky face-frirst onto the apron, then a tug-of-war with Bianca’s ponytail that Belair wins, finishing things off with a vertical suplex on the outside.

Back inside Belair gets a two and a half. Finally it’s Belair on top, seemingly shrugged off that damage her left arm for an overhead press.

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B Lynch gets out and hits a Diamond Dust to regain control of proceedings.

Belair blocks a hurricanrana attempt with a catch and sheer strength, and gets Lynch up for a KOD, but Lynch has a hand on the rope and blocks it.

She rolls into a Dis-Arm-Her attempt but Belair wriggles to the outside, and gets Lynch up again fo a KOD and hits it on the outside of the ring! Lynch just beats the 10-count!

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Back up for a KOD on the inside this time, Lynch escapes but ends up flat on her back as Belair goes to the top. Lynch gets up to prevent the splash attempt.

Both women on the middle rope in teh corner, Becky gets down and yanks Belair’s braid! Manhandle Slam, but it’s only good for two! Becky absolutely cannot believe it, she’s almost in tears.

Lynch escapes a couple of roll-up pin attempts and attempts another Manhandle Slam, but Biana counters into a picture-perfect Spanish Fly. KOD from Belair on the inside, one, two THREE!

WINNER and STILL WWE Raw Women’s Champion: Bianca Belair

After the match Becky offers Belair her hand, and after some justified hesitation, Bianca accepts it. Both women embrace and Lycnh goes on to limp from the ring in defeat.

Ooooh, but there’s more! Bayley’s music hits, and she’s back! Dressed in white combat trousers and a snazzy jacket, she slowly saunters down to the ring.

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“Hello Bianca, you remember me? You haven’t seen me in a long time.”

Oh, but there’s more! Also coming down the ramp is a returning Dakota Kai! Bayley grins.

“Don;t worry about it, we just wanna talk,” Bayley said. “We’ve got somethign to talk about.”

OH BUT THERE’S STILL MORE! Io Shirai now coming down the ramp. The three women go toe-to-toe with Belair, but Becky Lynch springs up to back up the champ and reduce the deficit!

Bayley and her crew decide discretion is the better part of valour and slink away all smirks.

VERDICT: A tough spot to open a stadium show, but Bianca and Becky pulled it off. Nothing too spectactular or shocking, but a decent, solid opener that did what it had to do, and left things settled with that handshake at the end. The real fireworks came after the three-count, when not only did Bayley make her long, long awaited comeback to the WWE after injury, but she brought a returning Dakota Kai and Io Shirai with her, giving the Raw women’s division a massive boost. B+

The Miz vs Logan Paul

The Miz comes to the ring dressed in luminous green, supported not just by Maryse but also a similiarly neon Tomasso Ciampa. Miz is wearing a one-of-one polaroid of the moment he hit Logan Paul with a Skull Crushing Finale.

After some mockery and head-patting from Miz, both men go at it at speed and Logan Paul is more than holding his own early on. Even disrespectfully flicking his boot over the Aweesome one.

Paul rolls up Miz for a two. Then he moonsaults off on to Miz from the apron to the aoutside. We think Miz is shocked at how fast Paul has come out here.

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Miz tries to gain control with some chops in the corner, but Paul swings things round and dishes out his own punishment.

Paul gets on to the second rope at the corner, but Miz uses his savvy to bounce him down, and takes control. While Miz distracts the ref, Ciampa does some damage to Paul at the ropes.

Logan Paul manages to overcome! He hits Miz with forearms and kicks and looks like he’s in absolute control now, and even locks a Figure Four on to Miz with a grin!

Miz looks in serious plain here, is he going to tap out? He lies back ot ease the pressure and faces the two count. He eventually maanages to get to the ropes and the hold is broken.

Logan Paul goes to the top and connects beautifully! Standing moonsault! Gets two! Eventually.

Miz is down, Ciampa getting involved once more and ther ref’s had enoug and orders him from ringside! CIampa stomps off in a huff and gets a chair, plinking himself down a few feet from teh ring.

AJ Styles’s music hits! Ciamap looking around but can’t see where he is. From nowhere a flying forearm hits Tomasso in the face! The two brawl out into the crowd.

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Meanwhile, in the ring Logan Paul gets up and bounces off the rope for a Phenomenal Forearm on The Miz! He gets another two.

Paul now clears the announce table and gets Miz prone on it. Paul goes to the very top in the corner while Maryse remonstrates.

He FLIES through the air and BANG, hits Miz with a PERFECT Frog Splash. The table is destroyed, both men are down.

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Paul eventually gets up and drags Miz to teh ring. He gets the pin applied, but the ref is distracted by Maryses’s antics.

The Miz gets that polaroid in his fist and looks to make use of the illegal weapon, Paul dodges it and he knocks out his own wife!

Back in the ring, Paul hits Miz with a Skull Crushing Finale. One, two THREE!

WINNER: Logan Paul

Look, there were still elements of Logan Paul cosplaying at being a wrestler here. All those borrowed moves, the cheesy “that’s how a champ does it” down the lens after the match, but it’s also right to give credit where credit’s due. He showed he can absolutely do the nuts and bolts in the squared circle, and we don’t just mean the Frog Splash, though that was the standout moment. He managed to make the little things work, too. All this in just his second ever WWE match. Incredible stuff. Tommaso Ciampa vs AJ Styles is something we can totally get behind, too. B+

WWE United States Championship: Bobby Lashley (c) vs Theory

Theory comes out to a heavy chorus of boos

Bobby Lashley comes out and looks utterly unbothered, posing at the corner, but Theory takes advantage, raining down blows with that MITB briefcase before the bell even goes!

After a check from the ref, Lashley insists on starting the match. There’s some quick back and forth, and Theory already looks more in this than he did the last time around.

Lashley getting into it though, flinging Theory around like a ragdoll, before the challenger slinks off and gets his briefcase, walking aroudn the ring and soaking up yet more boos.

Bobby Lashley leaves the ring and insists that Thery returns. First though he flings him twice into the barricade.

Back on the inside, Theory recovers to hit a dropkick. Lashley still in charge though. Now they’re trading punches, before Lashley gets Theory up and down with a powerslam.

Lashley goes for the spear but Theory dodges it and Bobby goes headfirst into the turnbuckle.

Theory rolls in to take advantage but Lashley recovers and gets Theory into the Hurt Lock. It doesn’t last long from there as Theory taps out fast.

WINNER and STILL WWE United States Champion: Bobby Lashley

That was refreshingly brief. More evenly matched than their previous outing, mainly thanks to that sneak breifcase attack before the bell, but this never really felt like Theory was going to nab the championship. The speed with which he tapped out at the end was almost indecent. Theory will likely want to lick his woulds and save whatever powder he has left for after the main event. I’m not sure how much we needed this rematch, but at least it didnt outstay its welcome. C+

The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor and Damian Priest) (with Rhea Ripley) vs The Mysterios (Rey and Dominik Mysterio) [No Disqualification]

The sun has set now, perfect for The Judgment Day to make their entrance. They’re out first, followed by The Mysterios, who look fearless.

Before the bell even goes it’s pandemonium with all four men going at each other. No DQ means that we’re not waiting around for tags at the moment.

The Mysterios get the early edge, and Dominik spears Damian Priest before Rey hits Finn on the outside.

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Dominik gets a two count on Finn, before the father-son team double-team Balor. Dom is all confidence, but eventually Balor and Priest get on top with sheer force of strength.

Finn has Dom on the ropes and now he and Priest are double teaming the younger Mysterio. Priest gets a quick two. Strong forearm then applies a hold around Mysterio’s neck.

Now it’s Balor’s time to do some damage. An Eddie hip wiggle at Rey. Dom suffering now. Finally Dominik gets an opening ang gets Balor down. Both men tag, Rey flying around the ring and turning back the clock against Priest, while also keeping Finn Balor at bay.

Finn tries to intduce a steel chair. Big misake. Rey takes the chair and uses it first against Priest and then FLIES out the ring under the ropes and takes Finn out of things for a while.

amian finally puts an end to Rey’s flurry with a massive superick to the face of Mysterio Snr.

Balor tags himself in and gets on top, but Dominik’s involvement stops Finn from going to the top. Now Rey and Balor both on the top. Hurricanrana from Rey from the top!

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One, two, Damian Priest breaks it up, bt Dom and Rey double-team to get both Finn and Damian prone for a 619… Rhea Ripley grabs their legs and blocks it, before powering Dominik into the canvas.

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Judgement Day have the upper hand but the lights go down! FIRE everywher eon the otuside, and then, dressed in red and black is Edge! He’s back and looks like he means serous business.

Balor weirld a chair but SPEAR from Edge. then anotehr SPEAR on Priest. Edge rolls out, the Mysterios are back in, double 619 on Balor!

Rey gets the cover on Finn. One, two three! Edge looks pretty pleased about all that

WINNERS: The Mysterios (Rey and Dominik)

Dominik has fully established himself by now as a legitimate wrestlers in his own right, but this was all about the return of Edge, which had been pretty well signposted with those teaser videos this past couple of weeks (despite the slight suggestion of a Bray Wyatt comeaback). Before The R Rated Superstar made his intervention it was a pretty solid if unspectacular affair, with Rey Mysterio showing (as always) that he still absolutely has it. Now the question is what happens next? Will Edge be taking on The Judgment Day on his own, or will he be forming an alliance with the Mysterios or some other parties? C+

Happy Corbin vs Pat McAfee

Afer Happy Corbin makes his entrance, a massive black-clad choir is on stage singing “Bum-ass Corbin” and the man himself is NOT happy.

They segue into Pat McAfee’s theme as the former kicker comes out and conducts the crowd.

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Corbin looks a bit dazed by all that. The bell goes and after Corbin yammers at McAfee, Pat hits a massive superkick to get us going. He follows it up with a hurricanrana before bundling Corbin out of the ring into the barricade.

McAfee joins him on the outside and then bundles Corbin into the ringpost. Both men back inside.

Pat on the top rope, but as McAfee gees up the crowd, Corbn hits a massive dropkick and then takes over, doing some damage before throwing Pat to the outside.

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He joins him and bundles him from baricade to barricade.

Back inside for a two count. Corbin goes for a Deep Six, but it doesn’t quite connect, and he only gets another two.

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Now both men going at it outside the ring, before Corbin gets McAfee up on the announce table. Corbin gets a headset on to jeer McAfee, before he gets physucal with Michael Cole, who to his credit stands up to Corbin.

Back to teh ring, Corbin goes to the second rope. McAfee gets to his feet, now both men on top, and SUPERPLEX from McAfee on Corbin.

Both men down, McAfee gets a one arm cover but Corbin kicks out at two.

Now they’re exchanging blows in the middle, McAfee doges a spear and Corbin goes into the post and falls to the outside.

McAfee goes to the top. Nearly slips off! Swantone Bambini (?!?) off the top. A little back and forth on the inside, Corbin fails to connect with an End ofDdays and Charles Robinson gets knocked aside.

After Corbin checks on the ref, he turns and eats a kick to the groin from Pat McAfee! Payback! McAfee jumps off the second rope and rolls into a pin. One, two and three!

WINNER: Pat McAfee

That was absolutely fine. Pat McAfee shows not for the first time that he can hold his own in the ring (though y’know, he’s no Logan Paul). Plenty of good back and forth, and we were still guessing as to who would come out on top till Charles Robinson’s poor positioning opened the door for Pat McAfee to sneak the win with the groin kick. C+

Drew McIntyre walks out and talks up himself as the new number one contender for the Undisputed WWE Championship (he’ll be facing the champ at Clash at the Castle).

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He hypes up tonight’s main event, with a bit of a dig at how many times we’ve seen it before. Drew doesn’t care who wins, because he’s gonna beat the ass of whoever wins in Wales. He raises his sword to launch some fireworks.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship: The Usos (Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso) (c) vs The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford)

Special Guest Referee Jeff Jarrett is the first out as we get a video recap of the controversial finish at Money in the Bank.

Titans cheerleaders introduce The Street Profits who look as confident as ever. Then out come the seven-times champs.

Here we go! Dawkins and Jimmy lock up. Jeff Jarrett gets invovled twice. breaking things up for each man as things go in the corner for five.

JJ is being incerdibly conspiculous here, barking commands as blows fly, tags are made and pins are attempted.

Jarrett flings Jey out the ring after his allocated time double-teaming Angelo Dawkins. A cheap shot from Jey while JJ is having words with Jimmy.

Jimmy wearing down Dawkins, but Jimmu takes too much time and Angelo dodges a second attempt into the corner. Double tag! Now it’s Jey and Tez going at it and Ford is full of energy.

A flurry from Ford ends in a two count. Then a big chop, but Jey hits back with a kick and uppercut. Ford replies with a standing blockbuster for another two.

Catch up on Raw, Smackdown, NXT and all the big WWE action via the WWE Network or BT Sport.

What did you think of WWE SummerSlam 2022? Let us know at @digitalspywwe.

Catch up on Raw, Smackdown, NXT and all the big WWE action via the WWE Network or BT Sport.

What did you think of WWE SummerSlam 2022? Let us know at @digitalspywwe.

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