Corrie fans convinced Daisy’s secret identity is about to be revealed

Coronation Street viewers were left convinced Daisy Midgeley’s secret alter ego would soon be revealed – with Ryan discovering he was in fact being catfished. 

The barmaid, played by Charlotte Jordan, has been texting the DJ (Ryan Prescott) pretending to be gorgeous influencer Crystal, in a bid to help him recover from the Justin’s (Andrew Still) acid attack which left him disfigured – with the villain found guilty earlier in the episode. 

And following the guilty verdict, viewers were convinced Daisy’s dishonesty was about to discovered by Ryan’s aunt Carla Connor (Alison King).

During a drink in the Rovers Carla and Jenny Bradley (Sally Ann Matthews) suggested phoning the mysterious Crystal to ask her intentions – leaving Daisy looking terrified.

Later in the episode Daisy tripped herself up when the real Crystal was discovered to be in a coma leading to Ryan realising he had been deceived. 

Convinced: Coronation Street viewers were left convinced Daisy Midgeley’s secret alter ego would soon be revealed – with Ryan discovering he was in fact being catfished
Shock! Daisy tripped herself up when the real Crystal was discovered to be in a coma leading to Ryan (Ryan Prescott, pictured) realising he had been deceived

Racing to Twitter one fan wrote: ‘Daisy be very careful you’re giving yourself away in front of Carla here’.

A second commented: ‘Carla will be out for revenge on Daisy when the truth comes out’.

And a third said: ‘Messy crystal Daisy’ and ‘Ooooops! Daisy, you gonna get found out! The real Crystal is in a coma….’.

While someone else wrote: ‘FFS can someone, anyone please – for the love of God – let the cat out of the bag about the fact that Daisy is Crystal’. 

And another viewer commented: ‘Waiting for Ryan to pack up and move to Ibiza to be with Crystal, then Daisy will have to come clean’.  

Sure: Viewers were convinced Daisy’s dishonesty was about to discovered by Ryan’s aunt Carla Connor (Alison King)
Cat out of the bag: Racing to Twitter one fan wrote: ‘Daisy be very careful you’re giving yourself away in front of Carla here’

It comes after Paul Winter was left devastated in Wednesday’s episode of after he was told he doesn’t qualify for a motor neurone disease drug trial.

He has been battling motor neurone disease (MND) in recent episodes and finally told his family about his diagnosis at his twin sister Gemma’s wedding this week.

Motor neurone disease (MND) is a rare condition that slowly damages parts of the nervous system, leading to muscle weakness and wasting. 

Paul’s loved ones have been trying to find ways to help him and his mother Bernie (Jane Hazlegrove) took him to the doctors to explore a potential drug trial.

However, Paul (Peter Ash) was left devastated when he found out the drug trial wasn’t an option for him because he doesn’t possess the SOD1 gene.

Upset: Paul Winter was left devastated in Wednesday’s episode after he was told he doesn’t qualify for a motor neurone disease drug trial

Hard times: Paul had to come to terms with the upsetting news and told his partner Billy Mayhew (Daniel Brocklebank) he had ‘no hope’ left amid his diagnosis

Paul had to come to terms with the upsetting news and told his partner Billy Mayhew (Daniel Brocklebank) he had ‘no hope’ left amid his diagnosis.

The episode kicked off with Bernie telling Paul she would be going to the hospital with him and Billy, despite his objections that he didn’t want her there.

In the surgery, Paul was then told that the drug trial wasn’t an option for him, destroying his last remaining hope of any help with the regression of the disease.

He was told that he doesn’t qualify for the trial because MND doesn’t run in his family, meaning he doesn’t have the SOD1 gene.

Two per cent of UK patients develop MND due to a faulty gene called SOD1 and a drug trial can slow the progression of the disease in patients with the gene, according to reports.

After getting the upsetting news, Bernie told the doctors: ‘Practically zero, isn’t zero, there’s still a chance.’

But an upset Paul yelled: ‘Just shut up mam! You want to support me through this, we’re not doing that, we’re not doing hope… banging on about one in a million chances is just going to make it worse.’

To which Bernie conceded: ‘OK I’m sorry, don’t get upset.’ 

Drug trial: Paul (Peter Ash) was left devastated when he found out the drug trial wasn’t an option for him because he doesn’t possess the SOD1 gene

After returning home, Paul told his loved ones the upsetting news, with his sister Gemma then telling Billy that she and new husband Chesney want them to go on their honeymoon.

She told Billy: ‘Me and Ches have been talking right, and we want you and Paul to go on our mini-moon.’

When Billy said Paul wouldn’t agree to it, Gemma added: ‘You’re just going to have to try your best to make him won’t you?’


Motor neurone disease is a rare condition that mainly affects people in their 60s and 70s, but it can affect adults of all ages.

It’s caused by a problem with cells in the brain and nerves called motor neurones. These cells gradually stop working over time. It’s not known why this happens.

Having a close relative with motor neurone disease, or a related condition called frontotemporal dementia, can sometimes mean you’re more likely to get it. But it doesn’t run in families in most cases.

Early symptoms can include weakness in your ankle or leg, like finding it hard to walk upstairs; slurred speech, finding it hard to swallow, a weak grip, and gradual weight loss.

If you have these symptoms, you should see a GP. They will consider other possible conditions and can refer you to a specialist called a neurologist if necessary.

If a close relative has motor neurone disease or frontotemporal dementia and you’re worried you may be at risk of it, they may refer you to a genetic counsellor to talk about your risk and any tests you can have

Source: NHS UK 


Paul then suggested the idea to Paul as they sweetly hugged on their sofa and spent some quality time together. 

He said: ‘I know what you’re doing to say, but Gemma and Ches want us to go on their mini-moon instead.’

To which Paul said: ‘I knew it would be like this, everyone making themselves miserable to be nice’

‘It’s just their way of helping,’ Billy told him.

Paul said: ‘I know, I shouldn’t have had a go at [Bernie], she only said what I’ve been feeling, how it’s not fair and there must be some hope. 

‘In a way it’s easier now, there deffo is no hope, so I’ll just have to make the most of what I’ve got left.’

The devastating turn comes after viewers were left ‘heartbroken’ on Tuesday when Paul finally told his family he had been diagnosed with MND.  

Paul made the tearful confession at his twin sister Gemma’s wedding to Chesney Brown after he broke down while giving a speech.

In the emotional scenes, Paul told Gemma and their mother Bernie that he has just three years left to live.

Viewers were left in tears at the devastating scenes, taking to Twitter to admit they had been left completely ‘heartbroken’.

One fan wrote: ‘Coronation Street time poor Paul this is so heart breaking especially for Gemma she so shocked and Bernie my heart sunk.’

Another penned: ‘I can’t cope with this episode.’

A third said: ‘I never expected to feel so many feels for a Gemma and Chesney wedding.’

Tuesday’s episode saw Paul reveal his MND diagnosis to Gemma and Bernie, after he had told them he was ‘dying’ at the end of Monday’s cliffhanger episode.

Speaking at Gemma’s wedding, Paul said: ‘It’s not a lie, I’ve got MND. I’ve got three years if I’m lucky.’

To which Gemma teared up as she said: ‘Three? This isn’t happening, no!’

But Bernie fumed: ‘Don’t believe a word of it, he’s trying to ruin your wedding day.’

Supported: Paul was supported by his partner Billy after finding out about the drug trial, and devastatingly said he had ‘no hope’ left

Paul then insisted: ‘I’m so sorry you had to find out this way, but it’s the truth.’

Realising he was telling the truth, Bernie tearfully said: ‘I don’t understand, you’re fine, or you wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t had that accident.’

But Paul explained: ‘It wasn’t the accident that stopped my arm from working… I’m slowly falling apart.’

When Bernie asked why he hadn’t told them, Paul said: ‘This day is supposed to be about Gemma not me.’ 

A devastated Gemma then told her brother the wedding was ‘over’ and that she couldn’t continue with the reception after learning of the devastating news.

Paul then told her not to tell her new husband Chesney (Sam Aston) until after the wedding, saying he wanted them both to enjoy their special day. 

Paul tearfully said: ‘Every moment we have left is precious, I want to see my sister dance with the man she loves.’

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