Study finds Ireland is second most popular European country for American workers |

Ireland is the second most popular European country for Americans who want to work abroad, according to new research.

UpCounsel revealed that Italy is the European country which Americans most want to work abroad in, with a US total monthly average of 5,000 searches relating to working abroad.

Americans must have secured a job in Italy before moving for work – this is because Italian employers will conduct most of the application process for you. The process is based on meeting relevant quotas, and costs between €100 and €200.

The report said: “Many Americans have Italian and Irish ancestry, so perhaps it is no surprise that these nations claim the top spots on the table. Ireland is ranked second, with 1,500 relevant US monthly searches.”

To work in Ireland, Americans need a visa and work permit, which can only be obtained after receiving a job offer.

Spain is third on the table, with 1,400 relevant monthly searches in the US. Much like in Ireland, Americans seeking to work in Spain will also first need a job offer, visa, and work permit.

Sweden and the UK come tied in fourth, both amassing 1,200 relevant US monthly searches each in relation to working abroad.

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