Pinkbike Poll: Are You Shopping for MTB Deals on Black Friday? – Pinkbike

Black Friday has never been my thing – I’m not a fan of rampant consumerism, and I hate malls, so there’s really no reason I’d ever find myself waiting in line to fight for a new big screen TV or some other similarly silly electronic gadget. Watching people throw elbows as they try to snag the latest must-have gift makes me worry more than usual about the future of the human race; it’s hard to envision a peaceful, happy utopia when faced with a video of an enraged mother punching someone in the face over an overpriced piece of plastic.

All of that said, plenty of people do enjoy shopping for good deals and deep discounts this time of year, and for us mountain bikers, well, it might actually be a decent time to go shopping. Just keep your hands to yourself, please.

The frenetic pandemic-fueled bike craze has subsided, forcing online and brick-and-mortar retailers alike to assess their inventories as winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere. The reduced demand could mean deep discounts are on the way, at least in the cases where a retailer was overly optimistic in their ordering.

By the time you read this I’ll hopefully be deep in the woods, miles away from any cash registers or computer screens. That’s good news for me, but it also means I don’t have any screaming deals or Black Friday specials to share – I’m leaving that up to you, the clever commenters. Think of it as crowd-sourced coupon hunting – where have you found the best prices on all things mountain bike related?

Let us know in the comments – where are you finding the best prices on all things mountain bike related?


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