Virgin Atlantic is seeking 200 pilots to help operate its flying schedule starting next summer, even as the European air-transport industry remains in the grip of a staffing shortage.The carrier plans to hire first officers across both its Airbus and Boeing fleets. About 100 pilots will be needed for...
An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission to plans by the late and former Anglo-Irish Bank chairman, Sean Fitzpatrick for a "modest" two storey four bedroomed house for a site outside Greystones. The decision by the appeals board upholds a planning refusal by Wicklow County Council last September for the...
There is no respite for sky-high Irish utility bills this winter as questions remain over whether Russia will turn off the gas to continental Europe, according to prices on the wholesale gas futures market. Relief this week over Russia resuming supplies to the EU following the 10-days downtime for maintenance...
A building company is entitled to take possession of an apartment from three people who claimed they entered into a tenancy agreement just before a receiver sold the property, the High Court ruled. Ms Justice Siobhán Phelan granted Shay Murtagh Ltd possession of the first-floor apartment at Aisling Court, Killucan,...
Twitter reported a quarterly loss on Friday as revenue slipped even as its number of users climbed.The social media company’s latest quarterly earnings figures offered a glimpse into how the social media business has performed during a months-long negotiation with billionaire and Tesla chief executive Elon Musk over whether...
The decision by AIB to turn a further 70 branches into cashless operations is an "opportunity" for post offices and credit unions to strengthen their position within communities, Minister of State Ossian Smyth has said. The Green TD said he wanted to see stronger community banking services for the public. It...