Deluded green narratives around oil and gas must not allow us to surrender our energy security

Last month, this government tackled rocketing energy prices caused by Putin’s monstrous invasion of Ukraine with a decisive and historic intervention.  

Thanks to the Energy Price Guarantee for households and the Energy Bill Relief Scheme for businesses, people across Great Britain are getting the help they need, wherever they live and however they get their energy. This is because we have capped the unit price of gas and electricity, meaning a typical household can expect to pay around £2,500 this winter, depending on how much they use. 

We acted with speed to protect households throughout the country and we averted disaster by protecting businesses, charities and public services, like schools and hospitals, from catastrophic energy costs. There was no question that we would come to the British people’s aid: we would never have let our people face the winter alone.

But we are also hard at work to ensure the security of the United Kingdom’s energy supplies- this is the bedrock of our prosperity. Energy security was taken for granted by much of Europe in the early part of the 21st century. Whilst much has improved since the Conservatives took office in 2010 – approvals of a new generation of nuclear plants, a well-developed offshore wind industry, fresh licencing rounds for North Sea oil and gas and recent support for shale gas – the spiralling costs associated with the war in Ukraine expose the brutal truth that we do not have enough energy.

Whilst there is a sensible debate to be had, a state of delusion appears to have descended over some commentators, politicians and activists when it comes to further exploration of North Sea oil and gas. They cry foul with a misleading environmental narrative that would see us surrender our energy security and harm thousands of Britons who rely on the North Sea for their livelihoods. No one credible honestly believes that we can turn off the oil and gas taps overnight, yet the Labour Party believe we should have an entirely decarbonised grid by 2030. This is not just implausible, it is a recipe for disaster. 

The facts are clear. The independent Climate Change Committee acknowledges that gas is essential to our transition to net zero by 2050, a target that this government has every intention of meeting. It is also clear that come 2050, we may be using around a quarter of the gas we do today, using new technologies like carbon capture and storage to make this industry greener.

We must harness every last gust of wind

While we will need to continue to import gas from abroad, our own supplies will provide diversity of supply and help lower the emissions from this fuel, with less need for transport and storage – as well as providing more jobs at home. When it comes to emissions from gas production, the UK is within touching distance of Norway’s low levels and we are working hard to reduce those even further. So I am proud to support the regulators in opening bids this week that could see 100 new licences in the North Sea, a decision that in the same stroke will boost our energy security and limit environmental damage. 

As the country gets to net zero by 2050, it must be in ways that make Britain more prosperous, not less. Domestic gas will be central to that transition and nuclear will be at the centre of our future energy supplies. The North Sea reserves are of course just one part of a much wider picture and as Business and Energy Secretary, I am supporting all manner of methods to boost our energy production. The Energy Supply Taskforce, led by Maddie McTernan, who delivered vaccines during the Covid pandemic, is exploring gas deals overseas to make our energy supply even more secure in the years to come.   

Since 2010, there has been a 500 per cent increase in the amount of renewable energy capacity connected to the grid. Renewables now generate around 40 per cent of the UK’s electricity, up from a meagre 6.9 per cent in 2010. However, you will not find us resting on our laurels. The Government is going even further and faster to scale up our own homegrown renewable energy.

For too long, planning red tape has stood in the way of offshore and onshore wind developments. As an island nation, we must harness every last gust of wind, so that by 2030 we will have enough wind capacity to power every home in Britain. We have cut VAT on installing rooftop solar panels to zero per cent and enabled households and businesses with solar panels to be paid for their renewable electricity through the Smart Export Guarantee so that they can sell electricity onto the grid. 

While the wind and sun are far beyond the clutches of the Kremlin, regrettably our English weather does not always cooperate. This is why the Prime Minister’s commitment to bring Sizewell C to fruition is so important, alongside even bigger plans to approve eight new nuclear reactors by 2030.

Telegraph readers will have seen headlines this week regarding our energy supplies. We are in unchartered territory following Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, but the forecasters were clear that these are very worst-case scenarios.

Readers can be assured that His Majesty’s Government, National Grid and the regulators, have detailed and well-rehearsed plans in place to protect households and businesses this winter. Indeed, it is the very nature of the diverse supplies of energy, support for which I have set out on these pages, that will see us through.


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